Words and Imagery
Through the writing and artwork found on this site, I aspire to offer clarity where there is confusion, compassion where there is conflict, and healing where there is pain. I don’t just muse on peace, I’m proactive, I practice it and compose prose and poetry to promote it. My peace work has been strongly influenced by my study and sharing of Nonviolent Communication also called Compassionate Communication. Many of my pieces convey fundamental concepts of its teachings integrated with truths found in my own search for meaning.
For clarity, while it is a goal of mine, I am not a certified trainer for the Center for Nonviolent Communication.
Explore my collection of essays and poems all with the intention to encourage more introspection into communication, culture, health, and social issues.
Conveying the ideas in your mind often takes more than just words, using the medium of collage I pull images from a range of sources to illustrate them with art.
View “Peace, Please,” a poem that dared me to give it a musical accompaniment, then double-dared me to add moving pictures and sums up my work beautifully.