Lessons from experience in sharing your truth and awareness
You learn from the regret you feel from the times you were careless
I’ve shared with studies, science, suggestions and shoved ‘em in peoples’ faces
Used earthly wisdom to pump myself up and put people in clueless places
Kiosea39, via Dreamstime
Wisdom of Love is not fully found in a book, or thank God explained with big words
A busy brain prone to blame break and shifting attention to your heart hoping to be heard
Being able to disagree
And letting it be
Un-grasping of your agenda
Shedding of your vendetta
If verbally bashed, refuse to refute
Silent repose, Oneness reboot
Then you can actually hear they are singing a beautiful song
A melodic desiring for freedom, equality, peace, to belong
Dikkyoesin, via Dreamstime
The things we all desire, yet arrive to differently
Remember our truth is love, with unshakable divinity
If you chose to respond, I’d lead with empathy
Believe it is possible to arrive at a place of shared humanity
Where we value each others’ needs mutually
Open ourselves up to blessings of innovative strategy
And creative abundance overflowing with possibilities
Alphaspirit, via Dreamstime
Thoughts, words, beliefs creating division
Constricting attachments to earthly creation
This world your eyes see, it’s all an illusion
Yet rich with divine penetration
This world will wither away
Erode decompose decay
Till there is no more desire left to say
No more cravings that sway
And then a new vision of reality will be in sight
All there is oneness, love and light!
Ig0rzh, via Dreamstime