Softdreams, via Dreamstime.
Dear Re,
Please listen to me
Less intensity
More flexibility
Not so anally literally
Taking so much so seriously
Working your brain deliriously
Dilate your heart = more peacefully
And girl, have more fun then it flows easily
But what do I do I get so
Triggered when beautiful messages are shared with a should
If I knew how to completely cut this trigger I swear I would
Working to see each time presents an opportunity
Alexandra Barbu, via Dreamstime
To live out why it means so much to me
To listen beneath the words.. someone’s’ truth is being reported
Acknowledge their intentions to inspire, encourage, help, be supportive
I investigated the many varying uses in the dictionary
Maybe we interpret this word differently
So let me try and explain that might add clarity
Because beneath my frustration also lies a melody
That sings of celebrating intrinsically motivated autonomy
It’s my way to live out Buddha’s advice “to be lamps unto yourselves”
Meaning to only accept as Truth that which resonates with each self
I often interpret “should” as someone believing they know another’s highest interest
Brian Goodman, via Dreamstime
While we share what has worked for us and helped us, we can’t be another’s compass
So to get so angry when I read or hear it, is me being painfully contradictory
I really do not want to be the Word Police using power to promote misery
It’s my chosen way to live out with my speech that we all have a choice
Avoid any pressure presumed when hearing my voice
Fizkes, via Dreamstime
I am curious though care to fill out a questionnaire?
Which words would you prefer?
Would you be willing to………?
You must do……!
Nd3000, via Dreamstime
I want to inspire you
I require of you
You have to…
You can choose to…
Philippe Porter, via Dreamstime
You should…
I believe this will benefit you…
Words have power on perception
And can influence your source of motivation
From the Outside
Where your soul resides
I feel so concerned; I really want people to be as receptive as possible
To the insight, idea, or suggestion you are offering without any obstacle
I told myself a story that people purposely reject my suggestions just to test me
Or they see no value in them and go out of their way to do the opposite and reject me
Designer49, via Dreamstime
And therein lies my fear of failing to live out my purpose and everyone hating me
Trying to fill the shoes I broke in before but don’t remember ever wearing, F@(k Me!
Tried so hard to find the magic peace formula to hand out and get everyone on board with me
Realized there are so many formulas to be found and this is way bigger than me
We are all rowing our little boats out to board a mega ship to alchemize all our flavors
Brewing all of our freak flavors together to make a love potion we all can savor
''Sailing ship and steamer,''Ioannis (Yiannis) Poulakas, via Wikimedia Commons