Imagine looking into the eyes of someone close to you as if it were the first time, like they are brand new to you. With your attention on now, you allow them to show up in that moment, free of the past. Without the possibility of rehashing in your mind all they have done that you found disappointing or hurtful. Can you feel the relief in your mind no longer exhausting itself listing your judgments? Are you willing to feel the glorious liberation from the disconnection that diagnosing each other creates? Would you like an escape from the boring stories we tell ourselves over and over in which we cast these people as characters and interpret their motives? Who could we then meet? Someone with love and light in their hearts, a unique expression of humanity, an evolving being of the Universe? Someone innocent and born again with endless opportunities to show up each day, each minute, each moment as a new and improved version of themselves, shiny and bright with light!?!?
Purchased from JumpStory
By holding that space and being open to the possibility, you give an invitation for that person to show up as a brighter version of themselves.
Now, imagine giving this fresh start to yourself. Allow yourself to show up shiny! Embrace your perfectly understandable human foibles and fumbliness. Accept your past, instead of thinking what you wished you’d done, put that mental energy into being a non-regrettable present you. Appreciate the strength and wisdom you gained from all your challenging and painful experiences. Feel freedom from suppressing your higher self. The highest self is the self we aspire to be who lives from love, is present with others, has a deep sense of purpose, is caring, creative, energetic, giving, compassionate, funny, the happiest you that you can picture. This is possible if you give yourself the chance to be that self. Give yourself the chance to change what is not serving you, even if you keep doing it over and over. You are allowed and encouraged to forgive yourself, move on, try again!
f^#k up, fumble, fall, find footing, flow forward!
Everett Collection Inc., via Dreamstime
Even if others are holding onto your past and allowing it to decide who you are now, just remember you are not your past and you are not your mistakes. You can mourn them, honor the values you were attempting to meet when you made them, offer empathy and amends to those affected, then choose to change and do it!
I choose to allow myself and everyone to show up shiny! And if fear creeps in and I fumble and forget, I forgive and re-choose again!
Simone Renoldi, via Dreamstime