I like to think of my current life not as just a human identity but as a part, of a role in the play of life. For me there are no lead roles, there may be roles that get more attention and more people are aware of them, however, someone has to shine that spotlight so they can be seen right?  If no one was directing the spotlight, if an electrician didn’t wire everything correctly, or if someone didn’t make sure that the bill was paid to make sure there was power going to the lights, no one would be able to see the stage, much less who was on it. I often forget how much we rely on one another when I drive on a perfectly paved road, flip a switch, do an internet search, or walk into a grocery store with access to limitless food. So many of our roles are far from any spotlight, yet without them where would we be? Do you know how to wire your electricity, I sure don’t.  I would be lighting candles, making fires, and praying that it wasn’t 30 degrees outside. Then there are the people who design the light bulbs, package the light bulbs, ship the light bulbs, and sell the light bulbs, so while it may only take one hand to screw in the light bulb, I wonder how many people played a role in making it accessible to you and able to illuminate your living room when you just flip a switch?

Alphaspirit, via Dreamstime

I enjoy that line ‘Roles that make us Whole’ and have been ruminating on it for some time. I believe we are all a part of an interconnected web of life, which includes all the animals and the living verdant energy that makes this planet possible for survival. When I envision this I see how two people destined to meet rely on countless people in order to come together. They both travel through the web interacting and connecting with people who each make up an integral thread, without any one of those threads, the web would not be whole. We are simultaneously a part of the web and also traveling on it and if a thread is missing we would have a hole and I wouldn’t want anyone slipping through a crack or for there to be missing pieces and collapse. I just read that when a spider begins its web it tosses a thread to the wind and just hopes it lands somewhere sturdy.  For me, this happens because of what is called divine design, the great architect of our wonderful web. Nothing is random, all threads cast land in the most precise and perfect place to bring people together.  And we get to enjoy when our web travels allow us to re-connect with souls that enrich our lives through shared reality and companionship and at a deeper level they allow us to know ourselves in a new light.  We can’t possibly travel here without having relationships, they provide us the opportunity to re-member our one-ness !

Purchased from JumpStory

Just think of how many people you know because you met them through someone else, or because of some chance occurrence that many people helped to orchestrate.  Because of the three people who were in line in front of you, you could become perfectly positioned to meet someone who will step into your life at just the right moment and leave a meaningful impact. It astounds and amazes me how in sync with one another we are.  I plan to view this web from above many years from now so I can even more fully appreciate how billions of synchronicities have written our story of life and woven our web.

Recently I have been thinking about how I ended up where I am in my own life and how many hands, hearts, minds, and just downright brave souls who have preserved and protected truth have helped me in discovering the part that I am playing in this life. And in so many beautiful ways! Warriors for the preservation of wisdom, believers, healers, poets, musicians, artists, writers, inventors, thespians, and all the people who supported all those people in their purpose! Many were willing to suffer and risk their lives living as heretics in order to keep alive vital pieces of our human story. Many devoted breaths have kept the flame of truth alive and I will be eternally grateful for their dedication, if it were all up to me and I had to tend that flame alone, it surely would have dwindled. Words are just too weak of tools to come close to expressing my utter awe at what human beings are willing to do in order to preserve and celebrate truth.

“Web of Life” Maria Yunker

And without special people’s devotion, dedication, and ability to forgive, the light I was meant to share with the world may have never shone further than my own neck of the woods or have reached its full potential of brightness. And I know my light is meant to reach much farther.

Deepest Sincerity and Respect to everyone playing their parts. Even those who play undesirable roles as dictators, tyrants, and those with insatiable desires for power and control, I would not want to play your part.  I am grateful to you for your willingness to be what many call our villains, without you, we would not have the primal push to come together, heal our wounds, forgive and accept one another and form a formidable community so we can override your love of power with the power of love. You help to ignite our passions for peace, and I am grateful to have the experience of creating peace and appreciating more fully the sweetness of the reward after overcoming so much fear. How awesome to see what we are made of and what levels of commitment and courage we are capable of conjuring!! Holy S#it!! Love Wins!