I want to live in a world where everyone’s needs are valued equally
We respect each others’ choices and honor everyone’s autonomy
So all the precious priceless people on the planet can live peacefully
Except the lit up targets, whom I bare my fangs at and blame scornfully
Oh look an already well above average salary celebrity
And they are going to endorse THAT company?!?
AND that one is going to start their own company!!
Um this sh!t is real, you are NOT playing a game of monopoly
There is NO actual NEED for ANOTHER gizmo, garment, or gadget to add to a bloated bulging industry
Plenty of gifted hard-working people trying to make their dream come true, leave some opportunity!!
Are the big executives screwing you over that badly?
Have you given up on a way for fair reciprocity?
So you prey on consumers with your capitalist versatility,
Taking notes from corporations who are always hunrgy?
Open your eyes the people who buy your stuff are going broke!
Don’t you remember what it was like to walk in shoes of everyday folk?
Has fame turned you into an out-of-touch bloke?
Showing off excess and luring us all with your life of luxury
Such effective marketing, we'll forget our humanity
Turn a blind eye to gross inequality
So we too can have the hottest new accessory
Then we’ll get disappointed too, cuz it doesn’t make you happy.
I’m trying encourage true Happiness, stuff just weighs you down like too much gravity
Like they’ll hear me over the ads for your brands, thanks for f^@king my plan up
AM trying AGAIN to share that we are not slaves to our physicality and to celebrate our Divinity!
And they’re demo-ing for the kids how to use your body to seduce everyone and one up!
There’s a lot of work to be done if we want to create things like Equality and Peace
Ohhh right that’s my unpaid purpose, you just go use your fans loyalty to make more cheese
Spend more time posing for pictures so we can envy your hot body, please
Do you remember the kids at school called “show offs”
Were you one of them?
Or were you rolling your eyes at them?
Even judging them?
Were you jealous?
Did you idolize them?
You know the story, parents are loaded
They take private lessons
Go on exotic vacations
And then they strut around like their God’s gift to the Earth
As if they earned it all themselves
Without mommy and daddy’s money
That’s what my shadow thinks about of a lot of stars
Showing off their "perfect" bodies
Often with digital enhancement
So not even honestly
To people many, many income brackets below,
The people they can barely see atop their greek pillar
Like their fans
Who had to gave of their precious attention
For you to find fame
Who are being fed GMO poison
To be fattened up,
dumbed down,
pharmy preyed upon
over medicated
side effect effected
Being stationary
Staring at screens
Such loyal fans
personal trainers,
Meditation teachers
Yoga instructors,
Maids, cooks, nannies, tutors,
hair stylists, make-up artists
Nutritional, image and fashion consultants
Personal assistants, expensive cosmetics
Injections and surgeries,
Professional photographers with lighting specialists
And very few have perfectly caloric calculated meals delivered to their doors
And people with all that have the balls to be show off’s?!?!?!
And not acknowledge their obvious advantage?!?!?
Why are we so impressed?
Do really believe that what Cosmos/God created is in need of that much enhancement and embellishment?
OUCH!!! That can't feel good!
Take a breather, Maria, remember what you Value
All our roles/contributions, purposes/jobs valued and reciprocated fairly.
Honoring Natural Beauty
For Everyone!
Fill up your own cup Maria!
Give yourself an oxygen mask!
Take a breather! You vented it all out!
Empathetic levels in heart restored...
Now I am able to consider...
What's it like in your shoes?
Being preyed upon by paparazzi
Every aspect of your life dissected and judged publicly
Forget asking for sensitivity,
You're meat for the masses to slaughter with negativity
Can't even get respect for members of your family
No wonder you pour resources into an image &body
That won't be being criticized so harshly
No wonder velvet ropes are a priority
Protecting yourself with exclusivity
All this celebrity hooplah is unnecessary
We're wasting potential
putting them on a pedestal
and precious time
prying into their lives
We're hardening our hearts
Hissing judgement as haters
Hmm and what is it like...when you've got..
Clay galore and tons of possibility
Whatever you imagine can become reality
Enticing opportunity
Money made easily
Never asked for this much responsibility
Wanna celebrate rising above adversity
Cherish our unlimited human creativity
Utilize attention and make your own exclusivity
Especially if others didn’t honor your dignity
We have all been taught in America material success certifies you worthy
We are not required to abide by rules made by anothers' journey!!
When I look into your eyes all I see is Divinity
I am here to tell you...you are ALL AMAZING!
Love, JOY, Happiness and Abundance DESERVING!
There's another way of living we are birthing!