Alexlinch, Dreamstime
Long ago
We split ourselves in two
The shiny self to show
And a scary self in shadow
The more we deny we have a dark side
It’ll remind us later with a shocking ride
Tim Green, via Wikimedia Commons
Freedom for destruction
Alternative to creation
Together we choose division
Unwilling to own our fearful contribution
Or acknowledge our imperfection
So we blamed the other
Believing our tribe is better
Continuing our conflicting condition
Feeding racial, religious, and ethnic suspicion
Ilkin Guliyev, Dreamstime
Ilkin Guliyev, Dreamstime.com</a>
Sick of being divided?
Prazis, Dreamstime
Tired of hiding?
No need for defeating
Be free from fighting!
Would you take this invitation?
Own your participation
In the poison perpetuation
Transcend your limitation
Lilkar, via Dreamstime
Empathize with your indignation
For its the key to our transformation
The obstacle of the Love Revolution
Continue separation?
Choose Unification
~commentator for The Collective Shadow