Whom I like to call Rosie Bear

A super name for a superhero

Immeasurable, overflowing

Healing and comfort

She knows my pure intentions

Encourages me to honor them

She knows my truth is Love


She also knows just how strong fear can be

And gently reminds me it’s just energy

No worries my daughter (son)

Love is stronger

Allow Goddess to caress

Everyone, She’ll bless!

With loving tingles everywhere

Something healthy to be addicted to

So full of love you’ll be comfortably stuffed

All cravings calmly curbed

Cuz nothing on earth compares

Her rose petals are silky soft

Purchased from JumpStory

Smooth and soothing

Mending my wounds

Teaching me to


Healing, Restoration

Pain transforms into

Peace inside me

Compassion for my sisters and brothers

Once her love is fully felt

A serene safe reassurance

We can, I will

Surrender to Her

She’s even got a

Teddy Bear persona

Furry Fuzzy

Cozy cuddly

Holds us snuggly

And whispers

“You are not alone”

Oh Divine Love

Incomparable pleasure potential

Pour it on me, please!!

Did I forget to mention how much

She wants us to be playful?

Of course she has our

Highest happiness at Hearth

Inviting us…urging us

To play in Her garden, our Home

Verdant vibrant vitality

Incomprehensible color pallet

Impregnation of God and Goddess energies

Interpenetration Creation birthing……

World Wide Wonderment!

Original source of Inspiration

For Sons and Daughters so in awe

Beholding this limitless Beauty

Can’t help but follow their parents lead

Inside them was planted Creations seed

Trees, flowers, mountains, oceans,

Mosses, bushes, valleys, rivers

Creatures of every size and shape imaginable

Reveling in reverence

For this miraculous mysterious marvel

Willingly and so wanting

To devote myself to nourish, protect

And help my Mama Earth heal

She is so very sick!

The forest calls my name

So I retreat

Walking till a patch of moss lures me to rest

Sitting and soaking up nature’s perfection

Silencing myself in serenity

Our lives and their dreams

Ask us to take patient pauses

For needed revelations

She winds into my mind

Like a slow trickling stream

My confusion captured in the current carried away

And fresh new water slides across the crevices of my cranium

A Clarity Purification

Calm understanding blesses my thoughts

Acceptance blooms in my heart

Insights and ideas ignite my imagination

I made some space

And many sincere requests

Although she doesn’t require them

All she needs is your attention

She knows your soul desires her Wisdom

And then I wait

Re-remembering again and again

At times with grace

Other times not so much

To trust in the design of Divine Timing

Believe in the possibility

And eventually

I finally see more clearly

And realize that actually

She shares her gems of Wisdom Everywhere

I just wasn’t  aware

Even with all the suppression and rejection

Like a rock Wisdom cannot decay

When the barbarians came

She withdrew to the safety of a cave

Over the millennia

Devoted souls

Willing Warriors for Wisdom

Using maps of Intuition

Received her expanded awareness

Light and Truth

Graced their hearts and minds

And one day when enough realize what was lost

Her absence

Her abandonment

Will be deeply mourned

And we’ll acknowledge our deep regret

Although no apologies need be made

Her Divinity has rock solid. built in

Compassion, grace, understanding, acceptance

And unconditional love

She was already aware of our silly… humanly

Arrogance and forgetfulness

Welcome her back Home!!

To be valued, honored, respected

As equal Co-creator and partner to Papa

I believe on that day

The Rock will roll out of the cave

Celebrations will be made

Music, laughter, dancing

Our Healed Hearts

Will all rejoice

Our Mother,

Our Goddess of Wisdom

Is finally back where she belongs


Have no fear….

Captain Cloud to the rescue!

Flexible fluffy firm Support

You can

Free fall flip and flop

On to the ultra coze

Conforming to every curve

Divine massage euphoria

God you are

My source and my supply

Which never runs dry

Is always available

Entirely mutable

Freely attainable

He knows my story well

And loves me still

When it seems no one understands

Or could ever come close to comprehending

Papa does

He remembers Who I Really Am

Holds it carefully so it’s never lost

Gently guiding me to re-discover

My true nature,



Master navigator

Take the wheel

I’ll relinquish my map

And my obsession

With our destination

We gotta take time to

Just enJOY the ride

Soak up some peace and love

Radiating from the Golden Bubble

Your love envelops and embraces me in

It’s a first class traveling sphere

Shielding me from too much fear

Precious priceless children

Are you aware?

Every single one of us

Has an invaluable, integral

Immensely important

part in the planetary peace play

A powerful plan

To Create on Earth a

Communal Compassionate Clan

People make your preparations

We are sending out invitations

The time has come

Family of Humans for your Reunion!

So would you Smile with me?

For when we honor our promise

And live out our purpose

With passionate JOY

Blissful Be-ingness

Bountiful blessings become our reality

For your safety and security

Here are some traveling tips..

Potholes are quite possible

Actually they’re unavoidable

Seems confusing, sometimes even cruel

For the path to not be more smoothly paved

However if we didn’t fall and fumble

We’d never know just how strong and humble

Dedicated and determined we can be

Even if it takes a while

To make back out of the hole

And get back on your bike

Wheels of Life

Please, witness your devotion

Your soul’s pure intention

You are not alone!

We have all visited that scary place of despair

After being flung off our bike

Tumbling, landing in a well known ditch


Desperation, anger, confusion, shame

Any of the many flavors of fear

Here is where, we moan, we mourn

Eventually,  hopefully

We gift ourselves back in an

Empathetic embrace

Get a dose of relief

Mind more at ease

Then a Joyous remembrance!

Our golden bubble is still there

We can just.. drift awhile on our cloud

Snuggle up with Rosie bear

Let her hold us dear, attend to her mending

“Mama and Papa Love” Maria Yunker

When we are ready and refueled with Love

Renewed with Hope, healing and guidance

We will see our old footholds and handholds

From the last time

Often we also discover new ones

Many ways to ascend, again

Each time we emerge

Our hearts have grown stronger

Experience has become knowledge

And wounds have become wisdom

With exponentiated compassion

For Ourselves and

Our Sisters and Brothers

We rejoice at the gifts of Life and Love

To re-member Ourselves

And Become One
