What began as a poem answering the question "What does Freedom mean to you?” become a spoken word song and then this video, a synopsis of the message behind my work, given loud and clear and hoping to be heard.
My Mission
This site is an offering to our wounded waring world and its people in too much pain, born of a passion to mend the knots of minds and soothe the sorrow of hearts. Since I can remember, I have been following the signs with a desire for truth, drawn to the love and unity found on the spiritual path, blessed with the help of so many teachers and finally…I felt the urge in my soul to share.
With my words and my art, I aspire to offer clarity where there is confusion, compassion where there is conflict, and healing where there is hurt”
writing and art for peace
Read my essays and poems, illustrated with collage, which explores our challenges and offers remedies in the work of peacemaking.
A collection from this work is a part of my traveling art/peace exhibit,“Peace Portfolio.”
I teach what I aspire to master and offer multiple learning opportunities and a variety of local services to those in my hometown of Cincinnati, OH.