This is my declaration of my dedication, devotion, and determination to promote peace for all of the precious priceless people of the planet while aiming to amuse you with my affliction for aiding my articulation with alliteration.

Mark Stucker, photographer.

In my own preposterously playful way, I shall freely fly my freak flag high, for the time of half-masting it is over for me, I can’t hide the freak inside. So I am sending out my flare for all of the fantastically freaky fumbly f@*K-ups forming the human family! Personally, I believe we are all interconnected and part of a larger cosmic and divine family. Knowing we are all fabulously fallible and deliciously divine helps me accept myself and others as imperfectly perfect. I’ve hung with so many flavors of freak, bold and brave souls who seek out alternative paths in approaching this thing called life and who don’t just accept the menu of the mainstream. Sadly our desire to belong to our own tribe can discourage cross-freak circle connections. Sometimes we only see our differing artistic appeals, or what we find entertaining, or our choice of diet, etc. to keep us from acknowledging how many overlapping values we have and getting on the same team to battle the BS of the world together, divided we are more easily conquered.

This website is a strategy for me to transform years of peace ponderings into a clearer shareable message, a way for me to live out something I value dearly, purpose, and contribution.

My aim is to shine a light of awareness and empathy on the common foibles within our culture and its customs of communication and how they are re-creating repeating and relentless conflict in every level of human relationships. I would like to remind us that we are wired for compassion and that our cultural conditioning has been suppressing much of our heart’s desire for authentic connection. We have been programmed to keep our brains locked into evaluator mode pumping out judgments and re-experiencing disconnection with our brothers and sisters.

“Freaks United” by Maria Yunker

How often have you left feeling un-seen and un-heard for your truest intentions? How often have you felt judged  How often do you yearn to clear misperceptions of yourself and actually be understood and seen for “Who you really are?”

So many of my ponderings end with the same conclusion; the source of so much of our conflicts and disharmony can be traced back to a misunderstanding. Along with many other human missteps: misperception, miscommunication, misinformation, and misconception which generate all kinds of disconnection, distrust, disillusion, disharmony, disease, and dysfunction.

We are missing out on finding truth and dissing our ability to create clarity, peace, and harmony, and instead creating too much misery for everyone.

For many years, I have been investigating human behavior through my introspection, and by studying what others have uncovered in their quests for the truth. Fortunately, I have found some helpful insights and ideas about how the men and whoa-men of Earth communicate and interact with each other.  I have been integrating them with my own musings from my personal perspective and my intention to perceive other people’s points of view, and guess what, I think we have a lot more in common than we assume! We all have the same shared human values, like equality, safety, security, self-expression, freedom, love, meaning, connection, consideration, acknowledgment, respect, integrity, inspiration, understanding, support

If we hold our attention on how we are connected, I believe we will be able to live up to our potential to create peace and live as…

Freaks United


Collectively Kindred