A story of how I believe humans could forget their Divine/Cosmic nature and create a Wounded Warring World…
Thousands of years ago before our world became a place of power struggles and violence I imagine humans living on Earth knowing and celebrating their Divine/Cosmic nature. Earth was like a sandbox that our “Divine/Cosmic” parents created for us, gifting us a chance to forget and then experience the glory of re-remembering our Divine/Cosmic nature through the human drama of “play.” Experience, emotions, relationships, challenges, everything that influences and changes us is our “play” and pushes us to know more and more about our potential, our true Divine/Cosmic nature, and our connection to one another. We want to experience our Divine/Cosmic nature in human form on Earth. Through our earthly play, we remember that the truth of our soul is Love and that in reality, we are all One.
My soul enjoys this following analogy to describe the love personified by these two energies of co-creation. Our Divine Papa's love was like being surrounded by a golden bubble of loving protective energy while riding on a cloud that constantly conforms to your shape and supports, offering guidance and navigation towards your purpose and highest happiness. And our Divine Mama's love was like having soft silky smooth rose petals caressing and soothing our sorrow, stress, and strain while being held by a giant teddy bear of fury friendliness freeing us from the fear of loneliness.
Sadly this playful existence came to an end after humans fueled on fear, who I would guess were not aware of the Unconditional Love and support constantly available from this Divine Universal Source, and maybe their crops failed and their children were starving, and their fear amplified into a craving for power muscled with masculine might and a desire to control other humans. Unfortunately, they did not view these humans as part of their extended family, their innate compassion was forgotten and replaced with fear’s manifestation; hatred, separation, and violence. Over time these invaders managed to destroy our memory of our Divine/Cosmic parents’ love, essentially bursting our bubbles and ripping away our clouds, roses, and teddy bears. And to make it even worse they replaced our vision of a harmonious Family with a warped cultural myth that includes only a male god that judges us and will even abandon us and send us to an eternity of torture if we do not follow his strict demands.
Blasted by a boulder the balance between men and women bent out of alignment. Now there was only one male god, women were demoted, subordinate, and less. What was once reverence for being the bearers of life, turned to fear of a woman’s power and a desire to control them. All feminine qualities were seen are inferior to masculine. So much so that women were blamed for all the evil in the world and expected to shoulder humanity’s weakness. After this tragic twist, I imagine us all as babies crying uncontrollably after being separated from our Mother to be parented by a harsh Father. It reminds me of how Anakin Skywalker must have felt when he had to leave his Mother to stay a slave in order to become a Jedi…it’s no wonder this experience exponentiated the amount of fear on this planet. We miss our Mama!! The gifts that our Mother/Goddess once gave so freely to the world, her nurturing, wisdom, and intuition were overridden with distorted and overly expressed energies of masculine power. Bye-bye Peace and Love, hello violence.
Seems pretty bleak and hopeless, however, there is a big ray of hope that is always shining, because no matter what our very fearful siblings have done, absolutely nothing could ever diminish, or even touch our Divine/Cosmic parents’ love for us. In a chaotic ever changing world, a comforting constant remains; you are always supported, and you are always loved.
When two equally divinely created genders are earthy manifested with such drastic inequality the results have a devastating impact. We lost the remembrance of our One-ness. We became fueled by fear, and ruled by men who loved power and control. We became pitted against one another, our minds poisoned with judgment encouraging us to provoke and poke each other. We were raised by a hypocritical father figure who tells us not to judge one another while he judges us as if he struck our Mother and then turned around and told us it was wrong to hit our sister! He taught us how to judge and how find fault in ourselves and others. Knowing our father had such impossible standards to meet, we were unable to accept ourselves and became wired to judge ourselves, each other and every circumstance and experience. This corrupted our minds, affecting our language to become verbally violent with all of our evaluation, diagnosing, blaming, comparing, and competitive attitudes. Of course we would feel the need to compare and compete; our most basic equality had been erased. And of course if our communication is full of competition our behavior would follow suit creating a desire for dominance leading to a drastically dysfunctional distribution of resources and physical violence from school yard fights to world warring.
Relationships between men and women suffered a severe wound to the possibility of creatively combining their uniqueness into masterpieces of Unity. Even as young infants and boys, males were encouraged and expected to exhibit these over-the-top masculine behaviors, which often meant an inhumane amount of nurturing. To compensate for the loss of womanly nurturing, I think men replaced it with an obsession with woman’s physicality. Just look at the breast, what was once seen as a body part designed to nurture and sustain life became overly sexualized to the point that many feel uncomfortable when it is actually used for its designed purpose! From birth a baby girl was not acknowledged for her full potential, parents were often more concerned with her appearance to ensure she will marry “well,” rather than what gifts she has to contribute to the world, or if she’ll be respected, appreciated, and loved. Beauty became a woman’s most valued attribute; like a beauty blimp blotting out beautiful brains, healing hearts, and capable hands. Once we could appreciate all the variety of humanity’s beauty, now we have been programmed with standards of “perfection” that we are compared against and we even give power to people to rate us on our “hotness.” We’ve allowed our worth as spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical beings to be determined by appearance and accept an insane idea that some are actually superior and deserving of preferential treatment. It’s not too hard to imagine though, within this broken balance between genders we also bear the heartbreaking division that determines worth by the amount of melanin in our skin. Cruel superficiality has been around for a long time wreaking havoc, perpetuating pain, and preventing so much love.
Healthy holistic relationships are based on mutual respect and honesty, how likely is that to happen when our world has not collectively agreed that we are different, yet equally worthy? The beautiful gift of our sexuality created to celebrate the connection of intimate relationships, literally make love and provide limitless pleasure, was declared sinful and repressed to only being useful to procreate. The sacredness of this Divine Gift of healing and connection was distorted. What could be seen as a Synergistic Energy Exchange of Equality fueling our energetic nature and empowering our hearts, is sadly often a superficial physical act where the parties do not even hold everyone’s pleasure equally. The suppression created distortion and now more and more are becoming increasingly dependent on specific physical shapes and postures to even access their sexual and energetic fire.
This is just a brief summary of what I perceive to be the most devastating repercussions inflicted upon our world directly related to the imbalance between the feminine and the masculine. I’ll continue to explore this concept and strive to heal how it has been manifested in my life, relationships, and soul’s purpose.
In “Personalities of the Poisoned and the Programmed,” I will explore how this has affected our inner world and brought all this violence and dysfunction into our moment-to-moment experience with some ideas for liberating ourselves from all the fear which has kept us separated from the Unity our souls desire.